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Convert Anonymous Website Visitors to Customers.

Validate, Enrich, and Clean your prospect data to convert them to customers.

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G2 High Performer Medal

From 13 reviews

Discover who visited your website

Trusted by teams from around the world

Chat Metrics
Cockroach Labs
Intellum Platform
Act with insights

Uncover opportunities in your web traffic

Take your website out of the dark ages

  • Spend more money on more expensive data sources on annual contracts.
  • Fight them at renewal time.
  • Delayed outreach thanks to waiting around for reports.
  • Know exactly who's visiting your website and why.
  • Understand how your prospects engage with your business and identify new opportunities.
  • Convert web traffic directly into pipeline by reaching out to visitors proactively.

Know When Prospects Visit & Take Action

Get alerted when ideal customers land on your site.

  • Identify: Flag high value brands and prospects the moment they visit your site
  • Match: Trace visitors by marketing channel to inform what's driving website traffic.
  • Alert: Instantly highlight valuable visitors to your Sales Team through Slack.

Seamlessly Convert Visitors into Leads

Turn anonymous visitors into high value lead lists.

  • Identify: Filter: Segment your web traffic based on vertical, ICP, brand, and title, so you can match leads to the right workflow.
  • Export: CSV's formatted to upload targeted account.

Trigger Sales Alerts & Workflows Instantly

Focus your efforts on delivering timely contextual outreach to your highest value prospects.

  • Notify: Get instant notifications when target companies land on your site.
  • Prioritize: Alert your Sales and Marketing Team to the highest value accounts first.

Seamlessly Connect to your Current Data Sources

Validate, Enrich, and Clean your prospect data to convert them to customers.

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Don't take our word for it

Check what some of our customers have said

Amelia Taylor's picture

Amelia Taylor

Enterprise SaaS Sales

Quality of Data is amazing. How I am able to find and call people and it being exactly what I need, within minutes, is unreal. game changer.

Aamir Kadri's picture

Aamir Kadri

LeadMagic - great tool to identify leads accurately, and with good actionable information.

Great accuracy and speed. It outdoes the nearest competitor by at least 20%, while being a fifth or lower of cost. Any visitors to my site get converted to great leads!

Dave Melillo's picture

Dave Melillo

Getting the data I need with LeadMagic

Access to the LeadMagic data through the API and Segment integration has been the biggest game-changer. Now we can use LeadMagic for any data use case — simple reporting, deep analysis, process automation, or even machine learning/prediction.

Terry Wilson's picture

Terry Wilson

1st party intent data - Incredible!

You only pay for what you use - no monthly subscription! Lead Magic shows me the company that has visited my website AND the individual (with their contact details!) and it happens in real-time. This allows us to very accurately and economically retarget them through our advertising.

Get the Most Accurate Visitor Identification Solution.

Convert Your Anonymous Website Visitors into Customers.

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